ホームページ|製品|品質検査機|クアティスフォルド 折り製品用 検査機

Quatis for Interfolded products

The packaging of tissue products such interfoldedproducts is subject to shape and dimensionvariations that can be hardly checked by the lineoperators.

Quatis is the unique machine in the Tissue Industry, which can ensure 100% quality control of interfoldedproducts in real time, with no operator intervention.The machine monitors and checks the product compliancedirectly on the conveying systems, with thepossibility of ejecting the non compliant ones. In thisway you are assured that the products intended forsale conform to the requirements, increasing thequality perceived by the end user.

Quatis also offers the opportunity of improvingthe upstream machine settings, increasing the efficiency of the line and the production capacity. Moreover, the system allows to perform a seriesof statistical analysis to determine the frequencyand the causes of non compliance, essential forthe analysis and check of the quality of the productionprocess.

Quatis Interfolded can:
Non compliant side sealing
Non-compliant print centering (detection on partial surface)
Non compliant logos/images (detection on entire surface)
Protruding tails check
Non compliant longitudinal sealing

Quatis Interfolded is designed as a stand-alone machine.Such configuration allows its installation within new or existing converting lines.